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IP, ML, & Artificial Intelligence Theft, Terms & Conditions

Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

AGGRECOST and it’s Partners like BYLT designed the platform to learn and compensate it’s users to create AI or ML dumps or Geospatial and spatial intelligence, case-studies or research papers that by royalty and licenses is distributed accordingly to stakeholders and users or their assets and entities. This data is considered, personal or business property and is kept under chain of custody and specialized data transfer data centers.

AGGRECOST or it’s partners may spike data or lay data traps to pull from AI models and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. AGGRECOST and it’s partners have developed a database for tracking movement of intellectual property theft, reverse engineering and confirmed AI patent altering and or filling applications that involve reverse engineering and data theft.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Disclaimer

Scanning, Digitally Reading, Scraping, Reverse Engineering, Engineering Masking and Intellectual Property Infringement avoidance or otherwise is strictly prohibited and interacting with BYLT data and or network content is strictly prohibited by machine learning and artificial intelligence machines and devices including manual feeding by human interaction.

Failure to comply within the past, present or future will and can result in copyright and licensing legal rights violations, lost income and not limited to other damages with many variables.

Data and personal research, work, code or otherwise within the BYLT network or partner networks go through licensing approvals, compensation and data ownership rights within a legal chain of custody framework and any deviation or violation may result in legal action or criminal prosecution.